instituto de vida religiosa, formada por Hermanas, que se dedica a la nueva evangelización


As members of the Society of Mary, responding to the call of the Church for a New Evangelization, "new in its ardor, new in its methods, and new in its expression," and inspired by the public life of Jesus, we seek to configure ourselves to Him in His missionary zeal, merciful love, and prayerful intercession in favor of all people.


Missionary Animation

Through our testimony, words, and prayer, we seek to spiritually and pastorally animate the programs of evangelization in which we collaborate.

Spiritual Retreats

Evangelization through the Beauty of the Message

We express this beauty especially in worship, in liturgical celebrations, and in music, which are apostolates of attraction and radiation.


Priority of the Person

The evangelization of society begins with the evangelization of each baptized person; that is why we give a preeminent place to personal accompaniment in the apostolate

Formation in the Faith
Growth in Faith

Apostolate of prayer

In the apostolate of prayer, we configure ourselves to the praying Christ, who intercedes before the Father with supplications and tears for the salvation of the world. Like Him, who “withdrew to pray,” our intercession in prayer is through and for the Church.

Presence in the most humble environments

Imitating the public life of Jesus, we dedicate time to the mission among the most humble, because they are the privileged ones in the missionary action of Christ.

Works of Mercy
Mission to the poor

This missionary spirit makes us ready to do the will of the Father, to go without delay where it be necessary for the well-being and service of the Church.
